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NOV Torque Master

Model                     1689
Chucking Capacity
Headstock             3.5”-14”
Tailstock                3.5”-14”
Center Distance   10' between Headstock and tailstock
Make up                 5,000-150,000 ft lbs
Break Out              190,000 ft lbs
Overall Length       150” with a 12 foot bed
Overall Width         52”
Overall Height        71”
Weight                   10,000lbs approx.
Main Motor            20HP 

Price: $125,000

Equipped with Hydraulic Spinner

• Synchronized Gripping Forces
• A freestanding console contains the hydraulic power unit, operating controls and torque gauges.
• Powered Tailstock Traverse - The operator controls the movement of the tailstock from the console, which allows the work to be completed both faster and more safely.
• The unit requires no anchors or special mounting facilities since the torsional reactions are resisted by the base frame.
• The tailstock is designed to carry loads, i.e. a tool balanced in the tailstock can be shuttled along the bed as required.

NOV Torquemaster model 1689 make up break out unit